



Part Four




bumpbuttonAuthor’s  note:

In Part Three, Jim called Trixie and Honey and asked them to come to Ten Acres Academy to check for any clues the stalker may have left behind.



11:30 A.M.

          Jim stared unseeingly out the window of his office. A thick blanket of snow covered Ten Acres, creating a deceptively tranquil backdrop for the disruptive events of the day. Sleepyside had received another two inches of accumulation the night before, and the split rail fence that separated the school’s property from the forest was now covered by five inches of frozen precipitation.

          A weary sigh escaped Jim’s lips. The beautiful landscape surrounding him usually provided solace even during his most stressful times. However, on this day no comfort could be found. A sense of foreboding hung heavily in the air. Ten Acres felt cold and bleak, and the memory of that morning’s uninvited visitor left a lingering chill that no thermostat could tame.

          Although he knew the intruder was probably miles away by now, Jim held his breath, expecting a maniacal masked villain to dart past his window as the enemy continued his dastardly mission of destruction. But, as Jim surveyed the forest, he saw no signs of danger. The woods were quiet; too quiet, as the old cliché went.

          Usually when Jim looked outside, he’d see a squirrel scamper up the oak tree that was right by his window, watching as the bushy-tailed creature carried a nut back to its nest. A flash of red would occasionally flit from the sky and land on the fence, as a cardinal stopped his flight long enough to chirp a message of love to his mate. Beyond the fence, pine trees stood proud and tall as their deciduous relatives beheld the spruces’ and pines’ green needles with envy. If one was especially patient, a hungry deer might saunter from the woods over to the fence, in search of any hint of grass poking through the snow.

          Today, almost as if their animal instincts were warning them of impending danger, all the woodland creatures remained hidden in the forest. The snowy grounds were void of any sort of life whatsoever.        

          Jim gave a swift shake of his head in an attempt to rid his mind of the unpleasant thoughts which tortured him. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried to concentrate on his work, he was utterly consumed by the realization that Ten Acres had been the scene of a crime. At this very moment, Trixie and Honey were searching for any evidence that might tell them who had committed that crime. That notion destroyed any semblance of tranquility for Jim. Ten Acres was no longer a safe haven from the evils of the world; his beloved school had been tainted.

          Heavily burdened, Jim released a labored breath as he raked a freckled hand through his hair. Leaning his head back in his chair, he murmured a silent prayer for assistance.

          “All silk, boss?” Under a shaggy umbrella of gray brows, Al’s eyes studied his employer with concern.

          Once Al had returned from searching the first floor, Marge had gone upstairs to reassure the staff and students. Even after Jim’s loyal bodyguard was sure that Ten Acres was free from intruders, he immediately resumed his post. He claimed a chair by the door, his tenacious expression reminding Jim of a bulldog. The large, burly man sat stiffly, poised and ready to attack any evildoer who might burst inside and threaten harm to his employer.

          Jim did his best to muster a confident smile. “I’m okay.”

          “You sure?” Al inquired in a critical manner. “ ‘Cuz right now, you look like some sap I knew who was real dizzy for this dame that jus’ lammed off with all his cabbage an’ left him flat.”

          “I don’t have the slightest idea what you said,” Jim admitted. “But if that sap you mentioned felt like his whole world had been turned upside-down, then yeah, I guess I do feel like him.”

          Al nodded. “That’s understandable, Mr. Jim. Look, I know you’re worried, but those two tomatoes in there are more than jus’ pretty faces. They’re gonna pinch the guy doin’ this. Solvin’ cases like this is eggs in the coffee for that little moll dick o’ yours.”

          “Even if they do catch the perp, it won’t change the fact that somebody broke into Ten Acres.”

          “True,” Al acknowledged, “but that don’t mean the school’s gotta pull the Dutch act.” Noticing Jim’s blank look, he reiterated. “The school’ll live through this, boss. It ain’t ruined forever.”

          “In a way, it is.” Jim’s lips pressed tightly together in a thin line as he paused to gather his thoughts. He exhaled noisily before continuing. “I never felt safe as a teenager, even after settling here in Sleepyside. Subconsciously, I always looked over my shoulder, expecting my stepfather to grab me by the arm and drag me back to his farm so he could beat me with that belt of his. Even after Jonesy had been sent to prison, it took a long time for me to feel safe.”

          Al’s bushy brows knitted together at the bridge of his nose as he studied Jim thoughtfully. “I ain’t tryin’ to put the screws on you, boss, but you might as well quit stringin’ me along an’ sing. Even with that boozehound in the jug, you still think he’s gonna burn powder in your noodle.”

          Although Jim didn’t answer with his words, his sober expression spoke multitudes.

          Al smiled sympathetically. “That’s flat, bo. I know I’ll sleep better myself when a few of my former ‘associates’ wind up in a Chicago overcoat.”

          “I’m not worried about me; I’m worried about my students,” Jim explained hesitantly. “I wanted Ten Acres to be a sanctuary for kids like me. I know what it feels like to be scared and alone, and I never wanted the boys here to ever feel that way again. I wanted to protect them.”

          “Mr. Jim, everybody’s gonna get scared once in while, but I can guarantee you that none of these boys is ever gonna be alone,” Al commented. “Why, if I woulda had some place like this to flop, my whole life mighta been different. I make sure to tell that to all the kids I meet up with. They need to know how lucky they are to have this school so they don’t get their elbows checked after they dust outta here.”

          Jim chuckled wryly. In spite of the grim circumstances, he couldn’t help but wonder what all his hoity-toity trustees would think if they knew this ex-con was a walking-talking advertisement for the academy. He had a feeling they wouldn’t be pleased at his endorsement. Since several of those same trustees would rather toss money at the school than volunteer themselves, Jim could care less. 

          “What’s so funny?”

          “Nothing,” Jim answered with a slight shake of his head. “Nothing at all.” He glanced at the clock on the wall for the hundredth time that day. “It’s almost noon. Trixie and Honey should be finished by now, don’t you think?”

          “If things is hittin’ on all eight, they’ll put us wise soon enough.”

          “They’ve had plenty of time to finish searching the first floor.” Jim scowled as he checked the time yet again. “They could’ve gathered evidence for five or six crime scenes by now.” 

          Al fought back a smile. “These things take time, boss. Ain’t you ever seen them hammer and saws work on ‘CSI’?”

          “Maybe I should call Trixie’s cell and check on them.”

          “You’ve already called ‘em so many times this mornin’ that you’re on a first name basis with the operator at the phone company,” Al commented wryly. “Let them peepers do what they do best. They’ll come talk to you as soon as they’re done; buggin’ ‘em ain’t gonna get you the rap any quicker.”

          Jim flashed him a rueful grin. “True, but at least it makes me feel like I’m accomplishing something instead of just sitting here worrying,” he admitted. “Maybe I could just—”

          “If you ain’t careful, you’re gonna gum it up, boss,” Al warned. “How ‘bout we go upstairs an’ see if lunch is ready?”

          “I think I’ll just wait here for Tr

          Before he could finish the statement, there was a knock at the door. Al quickly jumped up to answer it.

          “That’s probably Trixie and Honey now,” Jim interjected.

          However, Al was too cautious to assume anything. He opened the door just a crack and peeked out to see who was on the other side before opening it all the way. With a grunt of approval, he pushed it open wider to give Trixie and Honey access into the room. Before the detectives could even sit down, Jim had already started pumping them for information.

          “How’d it go? What’d you find out?”

          Usually, Trixie was able to maintain a professional demeanor while working on a case. She and Honey knew that in order to remain objective, they couldn’t involve themselves emotionally in their clients’ lives. Of course, distancing herself from this case would be difficult for Trixie, especially since she loved this particular client more than life itself. Her heart broke as she witnessed Jim’s desperation, and she couldn’t resist bending down to tenderly kiss his cheek. 

          Jim grabbed her hand and held onto it like she was keeping him from falling off a ten-story building. “Did you find anything?” he blurted out, his green eyes blazing with urgency.

          “Yes, we did,” Trixie replied, not willing to keep him in suspense.

          “So tell me what you found!”

          Trixie looked over at Honey, her eyes pleading for assistance. Honey knew her best friend well enough to know what was happening; Trixie couldn’t deny Jim anything. Although she wanted to put him out of his misery as quickly as possible, Trixie knew it was best to give him the results in an orderly manner instead of hastily blurting them out just to appease Jim. Unfortunately, knowing what was best and actually doing it were two completely different things.

          It was time for tact to take over.

          “Jim,” Honey began in her gentlest voice, “I know you’re eager to hear the results of our search, but we need to give you our report slowly so we don’t leave anything out. Is that all right with you?”

          “Does that mean you found something helpful?” Jim inquired excitedly. “What was it? A fingerprint? Some DNA?”

          Honey laughed softly. “If you’ll be quiet, we’ll tell you.”

          “Sorry,” Jim said with a sheepish grin. “I guess I’m kind of anxious to hear how it went.”

          Al snorted. “That’s puttin’ it mildly, boss.” He looked over at Trixie and Honey. “I hope you dames can give him the rumble real quick like, ‘cuz he’s worse than a snow-bird needin’ a fix.”

          Trixie smiled sympathetically. “I think we can help you out. Since we knew for certain that the trespasser had been in the music room, we started there. Honey and I thoroughly dusted every square inch of that room for prints… door knobs, light switches, the music stand the letter was found on… everything.”

          “Unfortunately, we didn’t find a single fingerprint,” Honey announced. “The room was completely clean.”

          “Well, unless you count that one dust bunny we found underneath the podium where the band director stands,” Trixie added with a nervous giggle. “The little guy must’ve gotten lost on his way to the trash. Everything else was clean as a whistle, so he was extremely out of place.”

          “Apparently, the custodians at Ten Acres don’t use the Trixie Belden ‘lick and a promise’ method for cleaning,” Honey quipped.  

“You mean you didn’t find any prints at all?” Al stroked his whiskers, his eyebrows almost overlapping as his forehead wrinkled in disbelief. “If you ask me, that’s kinda weird. That room’s busier than a flophouse, what with teachers an’ students constantly goin’ in an’ out. I woulda thought yous guys woulda found hundreds o’ prints.”

“I’d actually thought the same thing,” Trixie admitted. “Of course, our perp could’ve wiped everything down before leaving.”

“If this was another clean sneak, then we ain’t dealin’ with no amateur,” Al commented. “Sounds like a pro to me.”

Honey thoughtfully worried her lower lip between her teeth. “You know, that room’s pretty big, and wiping everything down would’ve taken way too much time. This perp’s too smart to risk getting caught, so in my opinion, he didn’t stick around long enough to destroy evidence; he just didn’t leave any to begin with.”

“Then why didn’t we find any prints at all?” Trixie questioned.

“I bet I know,” Jim said, scratching his chin thoughtfully. “Right after the students went on Christmas break, the janitors cleaned the school from top to bottom. Nobody’s been in the band room since December, so if the trespasser wore gloves, there wouldn’t be any prints.”

“Makes sense,” Trixie stated.

“What about the letter and envelope?” Jim asked. “Were they clean, too?”

Trixie gave a soft sigh of disappointment. “Yes, but we expected as much. Whoever’s doing this is one smart cookie, and since all the other letters had been clean, we figured this one would be also.”

“How about the letter itself?” Jim asked. “Is there any other way to find out who sent it or where it came from?”

Honey shook her head. “This one was just like the others. We checked for watermarks or other distinguishable characteristics, but it was written on standard typing paper, like you’d find at Wal-Mart or any other discount store. Same with the envelope. We’ll send them both to Jack, and hopefully his guy at the lab can use his equipment to find something that we couldn’t see with the naked eye.”

“What was the return address?” Jim queried. “Maybe the postmark could

“There wasn’t a return address,” Trixie interrupted.

Jim groaned loudly as he rested his forehead in the palm of his right hand. “We’re no better off than we were before.”

“Not so fast, Jim.” Trixie’s voice hinted enthusiasm. “Although we didn’t find any evidence in the music room, we did have a bit of luck at the point of entry.”

“Really?” Jim’s voice was cautiously optimistic.

Honey nodded. “Our perp came through the gymnasium, just like you suspected.”

“You know that for sure?” Al asked.

“Five people have entered Ten Acres since it snowed last night: You, Ms. Trask, Trixie, Jim, and myself,” Honey explained excitedly. “Jim, Ms. Trask, Trixie, and I all used the main entrance; you were the only one who used the door in the gym.”

“However, we found two sets of footprints in the snow outside the gym,” Trixie added, her blue eyes sparkling from the thrill of the hunt.

“Hey, yeah!” Al bobbed his head up and down in an enthusiastic manner. He turned to his employer. “Mr. Jim, I think I told you that I seen a fresh setta tracks when I came in this mornin’.”

“Well, that explains why there were two sets of footprints,” Honey commented. “Trixie and I had wondered briefly if there were two intruders.”

“Nah, jus’ me an’ this sharper,” Al told them.

“That’s what we decided,” Honey said. “Although there were two sets of prints going towards the door, there was only one leaving in the opposite direction.”

Trixie glanced down at Al’s feet, which were encased in a pair of sturdy biker boots. “One set of prints was quite a bit larger than the other. What’s your shoe size, Al?”

Al shrugged. “Thirteen wide.”

Trixie and Honey exchanged a satisfied smirk. “That’s about what we estimated the larger set to be,” Trixie replied.

“So, since you two sleuths are such experts in shoe-size analysis, how big was the other set?” Jim queried.

This time, the look Trixie and Honey shared was one of apprehension. “We’re guessing that they were about a men’s seven or a woman’s eight,” Honey finally replied after a labored pause.

“Sounds like your meat’s got small dogs,” Al remarked.

Honey cocked her head to give Al a sidelong quizzical glance.

“The guy we’re lookin’ for’s got small feet,” he translated.

Trixie nodded slowly. She looked reluctant to give a response. “True, a seven is small for a man, but lots of women wear a size-eight shoe.”

Jim shook his head determinedly. “Surely you don’t think a woman broke into Ten Acres?”

“Boss, I’ve seen skirts do all kinda whacked-out things you wouldn’t believe,” Al remarked. “If some dame went too far off the track, then she could be strictly section eight.”

Honey reached over the desk and patted her brother’s hand supportively.   “At this point, we have to explore all the possibilities, Jim.”

“And although you’re sure the stalker’s a man, there’s a definite possibility that we’re dealing with a woman,” Trixie added somewhat hesitantly.

“There must be some mistake…” Jim stammered.

“There’s no mistake, Jim,” Honey told him gently. “We measured those footprints three times.”

“Not only are we considering the size, we’re also taking into account the tread, as well as the distance between prints,” Trixie elaborated. “And all that evidence suggests that the tracks were left by a female who’s somewhere between five-foot-six and five-foot-nine.”

Jim pressed his lips together, unwilling to say anything in support of their theory. After several seconds of silence, he finally spoke. “I assume you took pictures?”

“Of course,” Honey answered. “We got several good shots from different angles.”

“And you’re going to send copies of the pictures to Jack, aren’t you?” Jim inquired.

Trixie smiled. She knew Jim was hoping that Jack would disprove their theory, but she kept that thought to herself. “Yes, we’ll email those to him as soon as possible, along with all the other evidence we collected. Hopefully, we can find out more about the shoes.”

“Good,” Jim said. “By any chance did you follow the tracks to see where they originated?”

Trixie snorted. “Hey, who do you think we are Nancy Drew groupies? Of course we followed those tracks.”

“My apologies,” Jim managed through a chuckle. “Where did they come from?”

“We followed them through the woods back to the main highway,” Honey answered. “They led to a wide spot off Glen Road, where we assume a vehicle had been parked. There we saw some tire tracks leading back onto the main road. We’re not sure, but we think that that they were made by our perp’s car.”

“Could you tell what kinda crate made those tracks?” Al asked.

“Don’t tell me.” The corners of Jim’s lips twitched. “The tracks were left by a crazy unicyclist who was on the loose from the circus?”

Trixie resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him. “I’ll have you know that I’m a lot better at identifying tire tracks than I used to be. Why, during my senior year of college, I took a class devoted to this particular aspect of crime scene investigation for this very reason.”

“Sorry, love, but I couldn’t resist,” Jim apologized.

“And just so you know, I earned an ‘A’ in that class,” Trixie added with an indignant sniff.

“I’m sure you did,” Jim said soothingly.

“And for the record, I was only thirteen when I came up with that unicycle theory—”

“Shamus, I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am for teasing you about what is obviously a painful memory,” Jim told her with only a hint of a grin. “But for the love of all that’s holy, could you please put all that newfound knowledge of yours to use and tell me what you know about those tracks?”

Trixie fought a smile but lost in the end. “Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything distinctive about the tire treads left by Glen Road,” she said. “Most likely, they were left by a midsize sedan, and could’ve been made by half of the snow tires in Sleepyside. Once again, we’re hoping Jack’s forensic friend can give us the specifics.”

Jim nodded weakly. The good-natured teasing he’d dished out only minutes before was a distant memory. He’d been sobered by the realization that the clues that were found were of no help at all. He attempted to muster a hopeful smile, but failed miserably. “Well, I guess that’s something. At least we know we’re looking for someone who likes to write letters, has small feet, and drives a medium-sized car with snow tires.”

“That isn’t all we know,” Trixie replied. Unlike Jim, she easily managed a smile as she reached inside her tote bag and pulled out a small rectangular-shaped piece of white cardboard. “Whether our intruder is male or female, one thing we know for certain is that he or she isn’t perfect. Whoever’s doing this made their first big mistake. We finally got some prints.”

“You mean fingerprints?” Jim inquired hopefully.

Trixie nodded as she handed the card to Jim. “We lifted these off the security keypad by the door. Our perp kindly left behind a perfect print from hisor her right index finger.”

At this point, Jim was afraid to get his hopes up too high. “You’re sure these prints were left by the stalker?”

“Viable prints wouldn’t last too long in the weather we’ve had lately, so we know they have to be fresh.” Trixie glanced over at Al. “The only other person’s they could be are Al’s, but Honey and I both thought they looked too small to be his.”

“Did you touch the keypad?” Honey asked the bodyguard.

Al shook his head. “Nah, by the time I got there, the alarm had done been turned off. I didn’t need to bother with it.”

“Just to exclude you, would you mind letting us fingerprint you?” Trixie inquired.

“Sure, I’ll do anything to help,” Al agreed. “But jus’ so you know, the law’s already got my ten card on file.”

Honey smiled, a blush creeping up her cheeks. “Oh, then I guess we won’t need to fingerprint you after all. Trixie and I forgot about your… history.”

“Hey, no problem,” Al answered good-naturedly.

Jim’s brow furrowed as he inspected the black smudges on the card. “I know you’re excited about finding these, but something just doesn’t add up. After how careful the stalker’s been, I’m surprised he made the mistake of leaving his fingerprints behind.”

“Actually, Trixie and I talked about that outside,” Honey commented. “The buttons on the keypad are quite close to one another. When someone is punching in the code, it would be easy to accidentally hit the wrong number, especially if you were wearing gloves.”

“That’s right,” Jim murmured as he remembered his own reluctance to remove his gloves earlier that morning as he unlocked the school. Suddenly, he looked up in bewilderment, his eyes wide as he came to an unpleasant conclusion. “So the prints you found… They were left on the actual buttons, not the keypad itself?”

“Yes,” Honey answered. She started to say something else, but Jim interrupted her.

“Had someone tampered with the security system?” Jim’s voice sounded desperate, and his eyes were glowing with intensity.

Trixie shook her head slowly, her lips set in a grim line. She thought she knew exactly where Jim was going with this. “No, the code had been punched in.”

Jim’s jaw twitched as he tried to contain his emotions.  “The alarm didn’t go off, so can we assume that the lock hadn’t been picked? No windows were broken?”

“We didn’t find any evidence of forced entry,” Honey admitted in a hushed whisper. “All the windows and doors were secure, and nobody had tampered with the lock.”

“So nobody actually broke into Ten Acres,” Jim remarked, his tone grave. “Whoever did this not only has a key, but also the access code to our security system.”

Neither Trixie nor Honey wanted to verify this fact, so both sat wordlessly in their seats, allowing their quietness to speak for them. Consumed by a volatile mixture of frustration, anger, and indignation, Jim broke the silence by slamming his fist on the desk. Trixie jumped, and Honey appeared to be close to tears.

Al cleared his throat nervously. Even he seemed apprehensive about saying anything. “Well, we coulda had a trip for biscuits, boss. At least this weirdo left behind some prints to help us finger him.”

Jim’s fist remained where it had landed on the desk. He sat in stony silence, not moving a muscle. His hands were clenched so tightly that the veins were popping out in his arm. Trixie held her breath as she watched him seethe. She could see a pounding movement in his wrist and knew that Jim’s pulse had to be surging. Fearing he’d have a stroke, she slipped deftly from her seat and walked around the desk to him. Sensing her approach, Jim shifted around slightly to face her as she knelt in front of his chair.

Trixie clasped one of his hands in both of hers. “Al’s right,” she pointed out in her gentlest voice. “We’re one step closer to finding out who’s been doing this. These prints are going to help us so much.”

Still not saying a word, Jim forced himself to try and relax. He looked down at Trixie, his eyes pulsating.  Slowly, he wrapped his other hand around Trixie’s and he clung to her like a small boy would his mother. “These prints were left by someone I know, someone I trusted,” he choked out. “Very few people have both the key and the code…”

“Does that surprise you, Jim?” Honey inquired cautiously. “Didn’t you suspect that when you first discovered someone in the school?”

Jim shook his head. “The alarm was set when I unlocked the front entrance this morning. I had to deactivate it before I opened the door. Later, I just assumed that the intruder had cut the wires or something.”

“So, the stalker knew that the alarm had to be reset or you’d notice,” Trixie surmised.

“But how did that happen?” Honey’s forehead creased in a quizzical manner. “The perp was still here when Jim arrived. How was it reset from the inside?”

“The system here has a feature that allows you to automatically reset the alarm after five minutes,” Jim explained. “We would use that option if we wanted to keep the doors unlocked but the alarm on.”

Trixie stood slowly, a thoughtful expression causing the left corner of her mouth to twitch. “Jim, what would happen if someone opened the door from the inside with the system activated?”

“The alarm would go off,” he answered. “We designed it that way so we’d know if any of the students snuck out at night.”

“After the alarm’s been reset, is it possible to turn it off from the inside?” Trixie asked.

“It can be done by computer.” Jim appeared completely perplexed by this line of questioning. “Or if the computers aren’t working, we can call the security company and they can take care of it.”

Trixie bobbed her head up and down slowly, and it was obvious by her distracted expression that the gears in her mind were turning a mile a minute. “And if this isn’t done, the alarm goes off and the police arrive within minutes?”

“We’ve never had it happen, but yes, that’s the way it’s supposed to work,” Jim responded, his ginger brows drawn in confusion.

“If someone knew about the reset option,” Trixie said thoughtfully, “then I assume this person would also know the alarm would go off if the door was opened.”

Jim shrugged slightly. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“So, this stalker broke into Ten Acres, but purposely reset the alarm, knowing it would go off when the door was opened.” Trixie wandered aimlessly around the room as she thought out loud to herself. “Why would someone do that?”

“Maybe it was a mistake,” Honey suggested.

“I don’t think so,” Trixie drawled out, her eyes narrowed critically. “Our perp’s too smart to screw up like that. If that alarm had gone off, the cops would’ve high-tailed it to Ten Acres. Not only that, everyone upstairs would’ve hustled down here to see what was wrong. This would’ve made it almost impossible for her to escape.”

Al threw his hands up in the air. “Uh, where’re you goin’ with this, Miss Trixie? Who cares if this whacko knew about the alarm? What’s that matter?”

Trixie stood in front of the window, absentmindedly twirling a curl as she pondered the situation. “What matters is that we’re dealing with someone who’s very crafty, and if we can figure out why, it might make it easier figuring out who.”

“Well, that makes sense. I guess that’s why you’re the gumshoe an’ I’m the muscle,” Al said with a snort.

Trixie was too busy thinking to respond. “If I had broken into the school and knew about the alarm, I wouldn’t have reset it. Unless

“Unless I wanted to get caught?” Honey supplied.

“No, that’s not it.” Suddenly, like a flash of lightning, Trixie whirled around and snapped her fingers. “I wouldn’t have reset it unless I knew I wouldn’t get caught!”

“Huh?” Al muttered. “I don’t get it…”

“Whoever we’re dealing with knew Jim would be here,” Trixie explained excitedly. “She knew it was safe to reset the alarm because Jim would turn it off when he arrived. In fact, if the alarm wasn’t on, then Jim would’ve known immediately that something was wrong and wouldn’t have gone inside. She had to turn the alarm back on!”

In spite of Trixie’s enthusiasm, Jim didn’t look convinced. “I hate to ruin your theory, but I went to school early. I don’t usually get here until 7:15. How did this person know I’d be here before six this morning?”

“My guess is that she was watching Manor House,” Trixie offered. “You probably caught her off guard by going in so early, which is why she made the mistake of leaving those fingerprints on the keypad. She knew she had to get in here quickly and was flustered.”

“But why was it so important that I was even at the school when the perp was here?” Jim insisted. “Wouldn’t it have been easier to do this at night when everybody else is on the third floor?”

Trixie sighed impatiently. “Jim, you’re the reason this is happening in the first place. She’s not after the students; she’s after you. This person’s obviously obsessed with you and wants to get your attention.”

“Well, it worked,” he responded cynically. “Whoever’s doing this not only has my attention, they have my undivided attention. I just wish they’d get their message across and then leave me alone.”

“But Trixie,” Honey began, “if the stalker wants to get Jim’s attention, why didn’t they answer when Jim called?”

“She probably just wanted to taunt him, or maybe spook him a little,” Trixie offered with a shrug of her shoulders. “My guess is that she’s not ready for a showdown yet.”

“Would you please quit referring to this stalker as a female?” Jim requested wearily.

“Until the DNA or a picture of this perp proves me wrong…” Trixie left her sentence unfinished as she started banging her forehead with her hand. “How could we be so stupid?!”

Jim looked at her quizzically. “What’re you talking about, Trix?”

Trixie ceased her slapping long enough to give an explanation. “We’re sitting here, debating on the sex of this intruder, when the proof’s been in front of us the whole time!”

“What’re you talking about, Trixie?” Honey inquired curiously.

“There’s a surveillance camera in every hallway of this entire building!” Trixie exclaimed. With a flourish, she pointed to the small combination TV/VCR/DVD in the corner of Jim’s office. “Unless this person’s invisible, they were captured on candid camera!”

Jim shook his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe I forgot about the cameras,” he muttered.

“It’s easy to forget about something that you don’t use very often,” Honey said in an attempt to soothe Jim’s ego. “Besides, Trixie and I are the ones trained in this sort of thing. We’re the ones who screwed up.”

“Yeah,” Trixie agreed mournfully. “I should’ve remembered that those cameras were there. I always try to dodge them when I’m walking in the hallways.”

“Uh, I don’t mean to interrupt,” Al interjected, “but insteada yappin’ about whose fault it is, shouldn’t we be gettin’ a slant at that tape?”

“You’re right,” Jim said with a chuckle. “If you’ll just get those tapes

Before he could finish his request, Trixie had already jumped out of her seat. “No, I’m faster! I’ll go.”

Al stood to all his six-foot-five-inch glory. “No offense, Miss Trixie, but you may be quicker, but I’m taller. Those cameras are up pretty high, so how ‘bout you let me handle this?”

Trixie stifled a groan as she craned her neck upward in order to look Al somewhat in the eye. “It sucks being so vertically challenged,” she mumbled. “Go on, Al. Just please hurry.”

“You got it!” True to his word, Al left the room as quickly as his bulky form would allow.

Trixie reluctantly sat back down and waited for Al to return with the tapes. Patience had never been one of her many virtues, so she jiggled her foot nervously to help her bide the time.

“Do you mind?” Honey asked, casting her friend a sidelong glance.

“Not at all,” Trixie replied absentmindedly, her foot still wiggling up and down.

Honey rolled her eyes. “Your foot is jostling my chair.”

“Oh.” Trixie looked down at her foot, and for the first time noticed that the toe of her boot was banging against Honey’s seat. She smiled sheepishly. “Oops. I guess I’m just anxious for Al to get back with those tapes.”

“Really?” Honey’s tone was sarcastic. “That’s so unlike you, Trixie.”

Jim shrugged his shoulders. “Hey, after my behavior earlier, I’m not saying a word.”

“It’s a good thing,” Trixie teased. Her foot began tapping again, but she quickly clasped her hand around it to prohibit it from moving. Feeling Honey’s hazel gaze, she giggled nervously. “Sorry. I’m really quitting this time, I promise.”

Luckily, Al returned before Trixie was put to the test. As soon as he reentered Jim’s office, Trixie snatched the tapes and loaded one of them into the VCR. They all huddled around the small television, hoping the identity of Jim’s stalker would be revealed.

Trixie aimed the remote at the TV as she pushed the rewind button. “We should be getting a glimpse of our mysterious pen pal any minute now…”

“There!” Honey yelled, pointing to the image that had just appeared on the screen. “Back it up a little more… Now stop!”

Trixie complied, successfully pushing the play button just before the figure came into the picture. “Here we go.”

Four pairs of eyes squinted as they tried to discern any of the stalker’s identifiable features. Unfortunately, the footage was grainy, and it was difficult to make out any specific details.

“Are those boobs, or is the perp’s jacket just lumpy?” Trixie queried.

“I’m not sure,” Honey murmured thoughtfully. “What do you think, Jim?”

“I think that I wish that it was hotter outside,” Jim replied flatly. “It’s hard to make out any particulars under that winter coat.”

“The ski mask doesn’t help, either,” Trixie added with a groan.

Honey nodded. “Yeah, I can’t even make out the perp’s hair color.”

“Put in the other tape,” Jim directed. “Maybe it’ll be clearer.”

Trixie ejected the tape of the footage outside the music room and inserted the tape shot outside the gymnasium. She quickly rewound it to the appropriate spot and then pushed play.

“This footage is a little better,” Honey said, “but it still doesn’t show us much.”

“I definitely think those are boobs,” Trixie remarked.

“How can you tell?” Jim questioned, doubt causing his forehead to wrinkle.

“It’s a girl thing,” Trixie said with a shrug. “We can always tell if they’re real or if somebody’s stuffing.”

Jim cocked his head to shoot Trixie a pensive look. “We’re not checking to see if some sixth grade girl is stuffing her bra full of cotton balls, Trix.”

“I know that,” Trixie retorted defensively.

“Then how can you tell for sure?” Jim demanded.

“I just can.” Trixie groaned as she rolled her eyes. “Those lumps under her jacket are too symmetrical and round not to be breasts.”

Al feigned a horrified expression. “You’re soilin’ my virgin ears, Miss Trixie.”

“Sorry, Al,” Trixie said with a giggle.

“Seriously, Al,” Honey began, “what do you think? Is that a man or a woman?”

Al held up his meaty paws in protest. “Gee, Miss Honey, me an’ the little tomato in that video ain’t been properly introduced, so I’d hate to comment on her figure without buyin’ her a drink first.”

“So, you think it is a woman,” Trixie surmised.

The burly bodyguard shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I ain’t no pro snoop like you an’ Miss Honey, but yeah, I think it’s a broad.”

“What makes you think that?” Jim asked.

“She moves like a dame,” Al answered matter-of-factly.

Jim crossed his arms, his ginger brows arched skeptically as he studied the footage. “How can you tell?”

Al snorted. “Trust me, Mr. Jim. If you spent ten years under glass, you’d be able to recognize a sister when you saw one, too. After a decade in the stir, surrounded by a buncha ugly mugs, a fella comes to appreciate the way a hot little number uses her pins to get around. Trust me, that’s a woman in that video.”

Trixie flashed Jim a smug grin. “Are you satisfied?”

Instead of answering with words, Jim scowled in response.

“Say, Trixie,” Honey began in an attempt to change the subject, “how tall do you think the perp is?”

“Somewhere between five-foot-six and five-foot-nine, I’d say,” Trixie guessed. “Just like we thought from the footprints.”

Honey nodded in agreement. “I hope Jack’s friend can tell us more.”

“Any additional details would certainly help,” Trixie added as she took out the tape.

“Is that it?” Jim asked expectantly. “Can’t you tell anything else from the videos?”

“They’re just too grainy, Jim,” Trixie said apologetically.

“What do we do now?” Al inquired.

“Looks like I’m buying better surveillance cameras to replace these crappy ones,” Jim muttered under his breath.

“Actually, you just need new tapes,” Honey corrected. “You should be changing them every week or two, and I’m guessing you haven’t been doing that.”

“You’re right,” Jim affirmed.

“Not changing tapes frequently enough is the most common problem with video surveillance,” Honey explained. “If you change this often, it’ll help immensely.”

“And if you do decide to change cameras, I’d go digital,” Trixie recommended. “That way, your cameras could be fed to a computer using internet protocol and could be monitored anywhere.”

“Would that help with the graininess?” Jim asked.

“Unfortunately, because of the size limitation factor, it’s all grainy,” Honey told him. “However, I know a company in Alabama that could hook you up with a system to sharpen the footage.”

Jim nodded thoughtfully. “I definitely want to check into that.”  

“You also need to hire someone to watch these cameras twenty-four hours a day,” Trixie advised. “We can recommend someone, if you’d like.”

Jim raked a hand through his hair. “If you’ll give me those names before you leave, I can take care of it. I’ll talk to Marge about turning one of our extra classrooms into a security station.”

“And most importantly, you’ll need to contact the security company ASAP about changing the code,” Honey added.

Jim exhaled noisily, his shoulders sagging under the weight of the ton of bricks burying him. “Yeah, I’ll take care of that, too.”

Sensing Jim was growing more discouraged by the second, Trixie offered some promising information. “The good news is that after you change the code, your system can be set to automatically go off if someone enters the old one.”

Al had also picked up on Jim’s despair, so he was quick to add his encouragement. “Hey, pipe that, boss!” he exclaimed. “We’ll nab this patsy for sure next time.” 

“Unless the stalker knows that the code has been changed,” Jim said quietly.

That comment squelched any further attempts to shift the focus to the bright side of this dismal situation. Honey cleared her throat, hoping she could change the subject. “Well, it sounds like you’ve got a plan about the cameras, so why don’t we move on?”

“Good idea,” Trixie commented. She motioned to the seating area. “Why don’t we grab a seat? There are a few more things we need to take care of.”

Once they were all reseated, Trixie put the security tapes into the bag, exchanging them for a small notebook and a pen. “Jim, who can has access to Ten Acres?”

Jim scratched his chin as he considered her question. “I’m afraid that’s quite a list. Everyone on staff has a set of keys.”

“But you said earlier that a person would need the keys and the code if the alarm was on. Who has both?” Honey prompted. 

“That’s a good point, and it does shorten our list considerably,” Jim mumbled in a thoughtful manner. “As I said, everyone that works at Ten Acres has a set of keys to the building, but only a select few know the code. We usually set the alarm only at night, so the staff can open any locked door with their keys during school hours. However, if the alarm is on and they need to get inside, they have to contact someone with the access code who can turn it off by computer.”

“So, who has the code?” Trixie prodded, her voice taking on a sense of urgency.

“Well, I do,” Jim replied. “But you probably knew that.”

Trixie made a rolling motion with her hands to illustrate her lack of patience. “Yeah, yeah…”

“Marge and Al both have it.” The corners of Jim’s mouth wiggled, hinting that an impish grin threatened to surface. “And there’s some weird guy in the journalism department you should definitely check out. I think his current alias is Martin Belden. He’s a real dangerous character. It runs in his family.”

“Ha-ha.” Trixie did her best to hide her amusement with her sarcastic laugh, but the twinkle in her eyes caused her to fail miserably. “All right, now that you’ve fingered Sleepyside’s most wanted fugitive, can you tell me who else has the code?”

“Marvin and Anita Curtis live here at Ten Acres,” Jim answered. “Marv’s our caretaker, and Anita’s the head cook.”

“Do they each have a key?” Honey inquired.

Jim shook his head. “No, they share one, but they both know the code.”

“What about the custodial staff?” Honey asked.

“We have three janitors, but only one has the code. Randy James is his name.” Jim paused a moment to think, and then added, “Also, our head dorm monitor has full access.”

“What’s his name?” Trixie asked.

“Michael Murray,” Jim replied. He watched curiously as Trixie scribbled down the name. “You know, we already did background checks on all our employees. As a matter of fact, you and Honey were the ones who handled that.”

Trixie’s brows raised expectantly. “And your point is?”

My point is that all these people are clean,” Jim retorted. “You won’t dig up any dirt on them now.”

“Those background checks were done almost a year ago,” Trixie pointed out. “A lot can change in a few months. It won’t hurt to give everyone a second look, and maybe Jack can dig up something we missed. So, is that everyone?”

“Yeah, that covers everyone at Ten Acres,” Jim said briskly.

Honey narrowed her hazel eyes in a critical manner as she studied her brother’s guilty expression. “Doesn’t Dad have the code, Jim?”

“Well, yeah, but surely you don’t suspect him?” he hedged, chuckling nervously.

“Of course not,” Honey retorted. “I only asked because I knew he was one of your trustees, and I thought they all were given the security information in case there was an emergency.”

“That’s true,” Jim acknowledged quietly.

Trixie heaved a sigh of exasperation. “So, who’re the other trustees, Jim?”

“I really don’t think it’s necessary to investigate the trustees,” Jim insisted. “They’re all upstanding citizens, and

“Then I’m sure they won’t mind if Jack digs through their closets to see if he can find any skeletons,” Trixie interrupted. She tipped her head to one side and watched him, a smug smile on her face. “You might as well tell me who they are, Jim. You know I’m going to find out one way or another, and it would be a lot less painful for you if you’d be up front with me. I’d appreciate your cooperation.”

Jim drew a hesitant breath, and then asked, “You promise to be discreet?”

“You have my word,” Trixie vowed.

“All right,” he agreed somewhat reluctantly. “I don’t care if you check them out, but please remember that these are some of Sleepyside’s most influential residents. If you offend them, they could really cause problems for the school.”

“I know, I know.” Trixie gave an impatient wave of her hand. “This isn’t the first time that rich people have been investigated, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. Now, are you going to tell me who your trustees are, or do I need to drag the information out of your father?”

“We have five trustees,” Jim finally said after a long pause. “Like Honey so helpfully pointed out, Dad is one, and so is Ed Lynch. I assume you won’t need to delve too deeply into their backgrounds.”

Except for a quick roll of her eyes, Trixie ignored his sarcasm. “Who’re the others?”

“Jacqueline Fitzgerald and Lila Davenport,” Jim answered. “Mrs. Fitzgerald’s husband is a state senator, and Ms. Davenport is a wealthy philanthropist whose grandfather made billions off oil. I’m sure if you’d like some information about these ladies, the society pages would be full of interesting tidbits.”

Trixie waited for a moment, and then when it became obvious that Jim had finished speaking, asked, “Okay, I give up. Who’s the fifth trustee?”

“Before I tell you,” Jim began slowly, “you’ve got to swear that you won’t overreact.”

Trixie batted her eyes at him in an angelic manner and spoke in an overly sweet tone with a strangely menacing edge to it. “If you don’t tell me who this fifth trustee is soon, I’ll be too old to hear what you’re saying, which won’t matter because you’ll be too dead to tell me. So just spit it out before I’m forced to strangle you.”

“Carlton Woodward,” Jim answered, his voice barely audible.

“Carlton Woodward!” Trixie repeated, albeit with much more volume. “Amanda’s father?!”

Jim automatically braced himself. He knew this wasn’t going to be pretty.




bumpbutton Credits:

Thanks again to my fabulous editors, Kaye, Steph H, and Trish B! Each of you was a tremendous help writing this chapter. And I want to especially thank Trish for providing such good information about the surveillance system. Without her input, Trixie and Honey wouldn’t have looked nearly as intelligent.


“CSI” is a crime show that uses all sorts of nifty crime lab techniques to solve crimes. For the record, I only like “CSI Miami”.


This chapter has had several drafts, all of which never even made it to my editors. I researched the methods of crime scene analysis, even down to the equipment they use, but I worried that I’d sound like the “Dry eyes” guy, droning on and on. So I left it all out. I also had Trixie giving Jim a hard time about him being so impatient, but I finally decided that Trixie of all people would understand of that. Her ultimate concern was for Jim’s well-being, and once that became her focus, it all fell into place.


I couldn’t resist the dig at Nancy Drew. Since Trixie has always preferred Lucy to Nancy, she was eager to include that line. *wink*


Once again, all information about surveillance was provided by Trish. And yes, there is a fabulous company in Alabama that can hook you up with that system… J


Al’s glossary:

All silk?- Is everything okay?

Dizzy for a dame- to be in love with a woman

Lammed off- ran away, as in “on the lam”

Cabbage- money

Left him flat- left him without funds

Tomato- pretty girl

Pinch- to catch a perpetrator

Eggs in the coffee- easy

Moll- girlfriend

Dick- detective (So, I guess there was no doubt how Jim felt about Trixie in the pre-schoolgirl shamus era, since he called her that. *wink*)

The Dutch Act- commit suicide

Put the screws on- to question harshly

To string someone along- to avoid telling the complete truth

Sing- to tell the truth

Boozehound- drunk

Jug- Penitentiary

Burn powder- to shoot with a gun

Noodle- someone’s head

That’s flat- I know how you feel

Bo- Pal

Chicago overcoat- a coffin

To flop at- a refuge

Getting one’s elbows checked- to be arrested

Dust out- to leave

Hitting on all eight- things are going well, as in “hitting on all eight cylinders”

Put one wise- tell someone what’s going on

Hammers and saws- the police

Peepers- detectives

The rap- the results

Gum it up- to mess up

The rumble- the news

Snow-bird- a drug addict, particularly one addicted to cocaine

A flophouse- a transient hotel which is busy with all sorts of activity, mostly of the illegal variety

Clean sneak- a getaway with no clues left behind

Sharper- a clever person committing crimes

Meat- your suspect

Dogs- feet

Skirts- women

Strictly section eight- off the deep end

Crate- car

Ten card- fingerprints on record

A trip for biscuits- a worthless venture

To finger- to identify

Get a slant at- to look at

Pro snoop- a professional detective

Under glass- in jail

Sister- a woman

In the stir- in jail

Mugs- men

Number- a man or a woman, usually a woman

Pins- legs

Pipe that- get that

Patsy- someone being set up










